Friday, September 19, 2008

McKailyn's 1st Date

Since we are having McKailyn's 4 year birthday party tomorrow, I thought tonight would be a great opportunity to take her on her first date. We had a great time!

Flowers for her and her beautiful mother!

When you ask a 4 year old where she would like to go to prepared for the answer! Nothing less than the best - Taco Bell! Even funnier, when I asked her what she wanted to eat, she just looked at me like I was an idiot and simply responded, "Tacos". Of course, what was I thinking :-)

Next stop was to her favorite place to visit....The Cone! It could have been 10 degrees outside, she still would have wanted ice cream.

After we got all sugared up from the ice cream, we were off to shop! Earlier this morning, I asked her, "Today is your daddy daughter date night, what do you want to do?" Her response was priceless and you can tell she's spent plenty of quality time with her mother and Aunt Lisa, her response: "Let's go to Target and buy a bunch of toys!" I laughed and realized I better get to work because soon I'll have a house of 4 professional shoppers....oops, I mean "buyers"! McKailyn took the picture below.
While at target, McKailyn found a set of baby doll clothes that she picked out as her special daddy daughter date present. During the 20 minutes we were at the store, she walked me up and down 5 aisles of toys and pointed out atleast 50 different toys that she "wants for my birthday."

Leaving Target I asked her what movie she wanted to watch with me, she picked "The Princess and the Pauper", a Barbie movie classic. But to our surprise, when we got home Jocelyn already got the new Ariel movie for McKailyn to watch tonight! McKailyn was so excited that she wanted to give Jocelyn the baby doll clothes we just picked out at Target. We thought that was pretty cool.

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