Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

While we are entering the second hour of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, I thought I would wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a fun, safe day with your family & friends.

Since I'm on here, I thought I would give everyone a quick update on the girls.

Addison - she is doing great and tomorrow she will be a happy & healthy 8 month old! Wow, how time flies. I don't think Jill has slept in the last 8 months, so any prayers for Addison sleeping all through the night would be great, thanks!! :-) Addison is trying to talk, right now all she gets out is "dadadadada" and "ahhhhhhhhh". She is always smiling and her latest enjoyment comes from looking at herself in the mirror. Just recently she started holding her arm up in the air in attempt to wave.

McKailyn "Gracie" - she is doing great as well and continues to amaze us with her constant dancing, singing and ability to make us laugh. McKailyn is in her second year of preschool, going three days a week for 2.5 hours each day. After some challenges with a school mate, she is doing much better and enjoys going to school. We are amazed at how well she can navigate on the laptop. We can log into the Barbie site and she'll be fine all by herself. She can click, drag, drop, etc... all by herself! The other thing that sticks in my mind is how just the other night during bedtime, McKailyn offered to say prayers. Of course we encouraged her to do so, and she then went to pray for "Kids Against Hunger" and all the little kids that have to eat dirt. We're amazed at how selfless she can be for a four year old.

Jocelyn - she is doing just as well as her little sisters! She is thoroughly enjoying Kindegartern at Cincinnati Christian and has made lots of new friends. Her teacher has told us several times how helpful Jocelyn is and that she is very thankful for having Jocelyn in her class. Jocelyn is also very proficient on the computer and has computer class once a week. She is also learning sign language and knows close to 40-50 words; she even went to the library and checked out a video to learn more! Just last week, Jocelyn also asked to say bedtime prayers. She then started to pray for "the men fixing our roof" (thanks Hurrincane Ike) and for "all our troops that are keeping us safe". We are blown away with how compassoniate and thoughtful she is, most of the time she continues to put others' needs first.

Jill - wife of one and mother of three, and she is the most awesomest of them all. She operates on limited sleep and continues to serve her family. Hopefully during this Thanksgiving break I'll be able to help her get more sleep. She is constantly doing something for our family and putting her needs last. I'm sure I don't appreciate all she does, but am extremely thankful for her. Just two months ago we celebrated our 9 year anniversary and we're looking forward to celebrating our 10 year on a nice quiet getaway to a New England bed & breakfast. One of the things I'm most thankful for is our marriage and how we continue to grow as best friends.

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