Sunday, November 14, 2010

McKailyn's daddy daughter date

Only two months late, but here is the update from my daddy daughter date with McKailyn!

We had a great time and it was enjoyable seeing her call the shots and feel like the special princess that she always, as the birthday girl, she was able to determine everything her & I did that night. It was very cute how McKailyn picked some of the same things to do as her big sister did. She decided that we start the night off shopping at Target. We had a great time perusing EVERY aisle in the toy section at least TWICE. Like a gentleman, I just held her hand and smiled as she inspected every toy and claimed, "I want this one" every time she picked up a toy. After picking one out, she was very excited to even use my credit card while checking out.

After Target we were off to dinner, and where else would a 6 year old want to go to dinner? Remember, I told her she could pick ANYWHERE she wanted to, after a short drive, we pulled up to McDonald's :-) She got her favorite happy meal and then asked me if she could pick where we sat. After changing tables three times, we finally sat down to enjoy our luxurious meal. Of course, she thoroughly enjoyed it and that is all that mattered to me. After I finished her fries for her, we hit the road to make sure we were in time for the movie, Toy Story 3!

The funny thing is that we already saw the movie when it first came out, but I told her that this theater had couches so we could lay down and cuddle. (In all honesty, it was also only $3/person as well!) Since we got to the movie early, we (she) had plenty of time to check out the candy store strategically placed next to the movie theater. Again I find it funny that of the hundreds of different types of candy where she's allowed to pick whatever she wants, she picks the 5 cent piece!!!

We had a great time cuddling during the movie and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. As a parent, you know it's been a great night when your little one falls asleep in the car within 5 minutes of leaving the theater.